Saturday, January 26, 2013

Food for the Soul - Part 1

Even though I am attracted to spirituality and involved in daily prayers but even though I am always confused, daily I ask number of questions to myself and try to find out the answers.

 When it comes to Tulsi Ramayan, there is one thing which talks about Navdha Bhakti while going though all the types I am always attracted to the only one which is simplest form which says you can do in any form important is it is from your heart. like in case of Meera it is from the bottom of her heart, even when her brother in law offered poison by saying it is Prasad (prasadam), there was no second thought and she had that and nothing happened to her as GOD is there to take care, and the second one in Tulsi Ramayan when Bhilni offered the berries to Ram but to avoid the wrong ones she tasted first and than offered to Ram, these are two examples to explain my point.

Second thing which sometimes I feel is that just to lit the lamp in front of GOD and recite the mantras and Aarti is it what we should do to please the GOD or to satisfy our spiritual hunger or need. As I think your full day itself is a place where you should perform prayers, it is not just the morning or evening where you should do like a daily routine and than you forget the values which you should follow in your day to day routine, I feel in our day to day activity also we should implement the prayer concept I mean in our day to day activity when we should take decision either financial or non financial we should think from our Heart not just Mind as mind may be selfish but heart is always guide you to the right direction, in a way that when we finish our day we can say that today I have performed my real prayer for that day, and I feel than definitely GOD will be happy and definitely answer our prayer and we will have peace in our mind which everybody searching in this material world. Try to share joy and happiness with others, make people happy around you, try to understand the sorrow of other and if you can do something for them than do something it will give you great pleasure.

I firmly believe in “Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.” In fact what you get is a RESULT of what you give. Same way if you give worst to other it will come back to you also. But the problem is that we are too busy in our life that we are ready to go through our suffering but we are not ready to understand the simple principles of life. Try to do that and see the difference share joy, love and happiness with others and see the difference around you. I think enough for the day next blog next Saturday till than ….keep smiling.

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