Saturday, June 26, 2010

Health Care Is Self Care

I believe that “Health Care Is Self Care”. When you become too much dependant on habit-forming medicines & 'one-disease, one-organ' experts, then passing diseases become permanent and not only you mess up your life but that of your family too. All your savings get over in the long drawn out treatment. Health remains elusive, peace of mind too disappears and penury becomes your companion, unless you are a very rich person with medical insurance.

Before coming here I had a dilemma before me as to what to say on this Schizophrenia day. Because, when you celebrate a disease, you start a live-in relationship with that disease. This is disease-centred approach and is not conducive to health. Today, let us concentrate briefly on: “FROM ILLNESS TO WELLNESS”.

We, in Natural Medicine, work on three cardinal principles:-

(a) Healing is within.

(b) There is an inner environment.

(c) Treatment should not be worse than the disease.

The Body has a vital force and an inbuilt healing mechanism. I will give you an example of this. When you fly non-stop from here to New York or Washington 16 to 18 hours, there is a jet lag. The circadian clock will, however, adjust itself, if you have abstained from taking alcohol, or overeating at odd hours during flight, or have taken enough fruit juices and water and periodic stretch and enough sleep.

We all are becoming more and more aware of the external environment like the oppressive heat -- global warming, depletion of oxygen, polluted water, stench etc. You should also realise that there is an inner environment. 90% diseases are abdomen related. Keep the innards clean and you will be fine.

Treatment should not be worse than the disease. For example in schizophrenia all that you hear is anti psychotics, anti depressants, ECT, seclusion, straitjacket - all part of inhuman treatment.

NAMI website puts Autism as one of the psychological illnesses. According to me it is not. It is due to mercury in vaccines and too many fertilisers entering your system through your food chain which makes the brain go haywire. The black effect of the so-called green revolution.

In psychology / psychiatry there is no solution. In traditional and natural medicine there is no problem that cannot be solved. Psychiatry was started in the KGB andCIA labs as experiments to control people – and there may be good psychiatrist like YA Matcheswalla who receives an Award today, but I stand by my comment based on my 32 years of experience as Natural healer, that psychiatry is worse than witchcraft.

If you wish to enjoy 100 years of disease-free life then follow my Ten Health Commandments :-

1.. Eat twice a day only, preferably vegetarian.

2.. Drink 8 glasses of water to wash out toxins from your bodies.

3.. Exercise for minimum 15 minutes daily.

4.. Meditate twice daily, for good mental health and stress-free life.

5.. Fast once a week to give rest to your vital organs.

6.. Do not smoke, or take drugs, or drink alcohol.

7.. Do not gamble with your life or cheat anyone.

8.. Sleep well for 6 to 8 hours. The best time is 10 pm to 6 am.

9. Go on smiling come what may.


1 comment:

Gunjan Sharma said...

very nice views to see so wht's the result after following these rules do let me know